Visual Acuity Series V-01 for eyecare in all countries.

Standard VA Charts
A collection of high resolution printable charts for measuring distance visual acuity (VA). The standard chart is the Snellen Letter Chart - included in 4 versions to avoid memorising.
There are also options for Number Charts, LogMAR and Indirect (Mirror) Charts. (See Description & TOC in Support Files below).
Print on standard A4 or A3 paper for use at 3 or 6 metres (10 or 20 feet).

Tumbling E & Landolt C
These charts are also for use with young children, as well as people who cannot speak English, or reliably recognise letters. The subject simply indicates the direction of the "Tumbling E" (Illiterate E) or Landolt ring.
Included in 5 versions. (See Description & TOC in Support Files below).
Print on standard A4 or A3 paper for use at 3 or 6 metres (10 or 20 feet).

Children's Optotypes
These charts are for use with young children who cannot reliably recognise letters. The optotypes have been tested and validated with pre-school children (aged 3 to 5 years).
Included in 3 versions. (See Description & TOC in Support Files below).
Print on standard A4 or A3 paper for use at 3 or 6 metres (10 or 20 feet).

Astigmatism Chart
This chart is used when screening for astigmatism, or measuring the cylinder axis of the astigmatism.
Included in 2 versions. (See Description & TOC in Support Files below).
Print on standard A4 or A3 paper for use at any distance between 3 to 6 metres (10 to 20 feet).
Printable PDF - High Resolution
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A4 Pages
Aust$ 15
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Visual Chart Collection - Support Files

"We are a general medical practice and the doctors likee these charts because they put them on the back of their exam room doors."

“These VA Charts are really useful because there are several different versions and we can just print them as needed.”

“We do a lot of nursing home visits for eye exams, so we print these charts and use sticky tape to put them up in a convenient location.”
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Alternate descriptions: Visual acuity - Visual acuity charts - Distance visual acuity - Printable visual acuity charts - Snellen visual acuity